pest 1/1/2024 – gtg
Home Rat Pest Control
There are 2 species of rat; the brown rat Rattus norvegicus and the black rat Ruttus rattus. Our Environmental Services can help you with any rat problem that you may have. Contact Us for further information and free advice.
A rat will weigh between 250-500g and grow to around 20cm in length. They will vary in color from grey to brown or nearly black. Rats are sexually mature at 12-16 weeks. Their gestation period is between 21- 24 days. Female rats will make a nest in which they give birth to 6-11 young called kittens. These will be weaned at 3-4 weeks. Rats are rodents. Their teeth grow continuously and will grow to 10-12cm. The rat will wear them down by constantly gnawing. They will gnaw at any surface which will meet this need. This could include electrical cables, water pipes, doors, floorboards etc.
Rats and disease Rats have lived with and around humans since time immemorial. Their great ability to stow away on cargo ships has resulted in their worldwide distribution and the spread of some of the most deadly diseases. Rats can spread diseases such as Wiels Disease (Leptospires), Salmonellosis, and Plague, to name but a few. Many of the diseases spread by rats can prove fatal to humans. They will walk over and feed on rotting waste materials, drink at unsavory water supplies, and then walk over food preparation areas, cutlery, crockery, and human foodstuff, spreading whatever contaminants it may have picked up on the way. The disease is also spread by contact with their feces and urine can also pass infection through ectoparasites. These are parasites such as fleas and ticks which live on both rats and humans.
A carefully integrated approach is needed to control rat numbers effectively. A survey must be carried out to establish the species involved, the extent and size of the infestation, its food source, where it is getting into the building and its nest site. Proofing a building against rodent infestation is the best way to control numbers and will even stop an infestation before it starts. This can be achieved by fitting brushes or metal plates to door bases and blocking holes which may give the rats access to a building. Once the food source has been located it needs to be removed. Human food stuffs should be stored in tightly sealed containers and all scraps and crumbs cleared up. Areas around skips and bins need to be kept clean and bin lids closed. These steps will curb the rodent’s activity, making them more likely to take the bait supplied by the pest controller. All rodents that infest a premises must be killed. Otherwise, the premises will soon be reinvested to the same extent.
Most control will be carried out by the use of Rodenticides as bait. This is a replacement foodstuff palatable to rodents. It contains an anticoagulant agent and will kill the rodent after a few feeds. The bait can be placed directly into the burrow where the rodent lives or in bait boxes or trays from which the rodent may feed. Rats like to feed sporadically so numerous bait stations will need to be distributed around the premises. Other methods of control may include trapping or the use of sticky boards. Traps and sticky boards must be checked daily, reset and rebated as necessary to be successful. It is best to use a combination or all of the above methods to effectively reduce a population as quickly as possible. The infestation will normally take 10- 25 days to be brought under control. Our Environmental Services can help you with any rat problem that you may have. Contact Us for further information and free advice.
Home Squirrel Pest Control
Squirrels are rodents; they have incisors that continue to grow throughout their lives. There are many distinct types of squirrels, with over 65 species that live in North America. The most common types of squirrels are tree squirrels, ground squirrels and flying squirrels. Our Environmental Services can help you with any squirrel problem that you may have. Contact Us for further information and free advice.
Squirrels are classed as destructive animals. Biology – Grey squirrels are around 25 cm long and weigh 500 grams. They have a grey upper coat and a white belly. The grey squirrels’ gestation period is 45 days. The average litter will range from 1 to 7 young kittens. The kittens are weaned at 10 weeks and are usually ready to reproduce at around 12 months old. The squirrel’s nest is called a drey. The grey squirrel has two breeding seasons a year. The first litter is born in February or March, the second in June or July. In the wild a squirrel can live from between 2-9 years. They are mostly active during the day and will eat nuts, bark, fruit, buds, bulbs, eggs and even wild bird chicks. They have a home range of around 0.5 hectares.
Damage – Squirrels may enter the roof space of a house or other building by climbing up the wall, drain pipes, or jumping from adjacent trees. Once inside, they will chew woodwork and ceilings, strip electrical wire of insulation, and tear up the fiberglass of loft insulation for use in their drays. They have also been known to drown in cold water tanks thereby contaminating the water supply. In woodlands and gardens, they will take fruit, strip bark off trees, and damage their terminal buds, which disrupts the growth habit of the tree.
Control – Squirrels can be controlled by proofing your building against them. Any aperture that the squirrel might use to gain access must be blocked with wire mesh or bricked up. The drey can also be destroyed. This is known as drey poking. Grey squirrels may be shot or caught in spring traps. They can also be poisoned using bait especially produced to cull squirrels. This bait will contain Warfarin. It must only be placed in a specially designed hopper which is clearly labelled. This bait can only be used by a specifically trained technician. Our Environmental Services can help you with any squirrel problem that you may have. Contact Us for further information and free advice.
Home Wasps, Bees, and Hornets Control
Our Environmental Services can help you with any wasp, bee, or hornet problem that you may have. Contact us for further information and free advice. All of the above species of insect are members of the Hymenoptera family.
Wasp Biology
All of these insects have four transparent membranous wings. The hind wings are shorter than the front. They have a distinct waist between the thorax (chest) and the abdomen. Hymenoptera follows a complete metamorphosis with distinct egg, larvae, pupa, and adult stages. They are all social insects that operate within a hierarchy of a queen, workers, and drones (adult males). Many species show complicated social structures within the colony, especially in the roles of specialized infertile female workers. Some wasp species will make use of leaves and wood mixed with saliva to produce paper mache. They then use the paper mache to make their nests. Honey bees construct their hives from honeycomb. This is shaped into hexagonal cells where they rear their young, and store pollen and honey. Wasps form a nest from paper which can become very large. They will build these nests in soil banks, wall cavities, roof spaces, trees and hedges. Colonies will only survive a season (1 summer). New colonies are started each spring by a queen that hibernates over the winter. Wasps forage on a wide range of food, including insects, fruit, carcasses, and any sweet, sugary substance. The new queen will make her nest in the spring. It will usually be the size of a snooker ball. She will lay between 10 -20 eggs, feeding the lava on insects and foraged foods. This 1st generation of workers are all sterile females. They then take on the role of looking after subsequent generations. Taking care of the eggs which have been laid by the queen and feeding the larvae. They will clean, feed, guard and even build the growing colony. By mid-summer, the nest can be as much as 50cm across and hold up to 5000 individuals. During late summer males and young queens emerge. They will mate, and the now-impregnated young queens will find a suitable place to over winter. With the onset of cooler weather, the workers and remaining males become sluggish. They will feed on sugary fermenting fruits. They will become aggressive to humans or animals coming close to them and their food source. When the cold winter weather arrives all the colony inhabitants will die of starvation. The only wasp to survive will be the newly mated young queen who will retreat to her overwintering home to hibernate. The old nest will never be used again, although a new one may be developed nearby if the location is a favorable one. Any disused nest should be removed as they can attract other vermin such as mice, carpet beetles, and clothes moths.
Wasps and disease
Wasps can spread diseases such as Escherichia coli (E coli) and salmonella due to their habit of landing and feeding on decaying flesh of dead animals and other unsavory foodstuff. They will then cross-contaminate these infections to humans when they come into contact with our environment. Wasps are more known for their aggression and nuisance factor to humans. They can inflict a painful sting which some people are allergic to. It can result in an anaphylactic shock, which could be fatal in some cases.
You may feel it necessary that the nest is removed. This should only be carried out by a professional pest control operative. Control of individual adult wasps will not prove productive; the inhabitants of the nest and queen must be killed in order to control the infestation. This can be achieved by applying insecticide to the nest entrance or nearby lighted areas. Individual wasps will come into contact with the insecticide and carry it into the nest. This will then contaminate the nest by creating a domino effect. This will cause the demise of the colony within 24 hours. Once the colony has been destroyed some young wasps may emerge from pupation 1-2 weeks later. They may not come into contact with enough insecticide to kill them. They will head for the nearest light source and may venture into the house attracted by the household lights. They are usually slow and docile looking for light and food. They will soon die and are easily removed from a windowsill or doorway where they are likely to congregate. The nest can also be destroyed using aerosol wasp nest destroyers. These will direct chemicals straight into the nest, destroying all inhabitants. The nest can then be taken away as soon as the treatment is complete. Wasps are part of the biodiversity and should be left to their own devices so long as they do not pose a threat to resident human populations.
There are four main species of bees that can affect us in our homes and gardens; bees are extremely advantageous to man and the natural environment; they pollinate our orchards and other food crops and flowering plants. Apis mellifera is best known for its production of honey and wax.
Like wasps, the honey bee is a social animal living within a hierarchical society, called a colony. The hive is constructed of many connecting hexagonal wax cells. The bees use these cells to store pollen, nectar and honey. There are also nursery cells where the queen will lay her eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae and will be raised by worker bees. They then pupate and hatch into adult bees. The worker bees live for about 6-7 weeks and will carry out various roles throughout their lives, such as cleaning, nursery nursing, building, honey making, guarding, and foraging. The later stage of life has evolved to enable the bee to die whilst out foraging. This prevents the hive from being contaminated by dead bees. The queen bee may live for up to 6-7 years. She is capable of laying 1 million eggs within her lifetime. A colony can reach a population of 30,000-50,000 individuals at the height of the season. Occasionally, a new queen is produced within a queen cup. This is a larger cell than those used for worker bees. The queen larvae are fed entirely on royal jelly produced by the workers. Male bees, called drones, are produced at the same time as the young queen. Whilst the young queen is pupating a proportion of the hive prepares to swarm. The old queen heads the swarm which can contain as many as 10,000 bees. She takes the swarm off to find a suitable location to build a new colony. Those left behind at the old hive protect the unmerged queen. When she finally emerges she will seek out and sting to death any other pupating queens or even fight to the death with any remaining queen. The new virgin queen will then fly from the nest to mate with a drone. She then returns and takes over the nest.
Control Both queen and worker bees can sting using their modified ovipositors to inject venom. Only the drones cannot sting. The ability for bees to sting can be problematic for humans despite their beneficial role to the biodiversity of the planet resulting in their colonies being controlled on occasion. Bee stings can cause an anaphylactic shock in some people. Swarming bees may be problematic if they decide to settle in a doorway, chimney, or wall cavity, and so will have to be controlled by a pest control professional or your local beekeepers association. Honey bees are not a protected species although they should not be killed or harmed unless there is a justifiable reason. If bees have formed a colony inside a chimney or other inaccessible void within a dwelling and their presence is likely to cause serious concern or risk to human health, then the colony can be killed using chemical means. The entrance to the hive must be sealed to prevent other opportunistic colonies from robbing the now-disused nest of honey. This would result in secondary poisoning. Andrena are commonly called mining bees and closely resemble honey bees. One of the most common species is the tawny mining bee (Andrena fulva). The female makes a nest in the ground in light sandy soils. They can be commonly seen in lawns with their nests close together. They are harmless and cannot sting humans. They will disappear after midsummer. These bees also look similar to honey bees. They actively seek cavities in walls and will excavate soft masonry in order to make their nests. They are in themselves harmless and cannot sting humans, but they can cause severe damage to the lime mortar of older buildings. Refilling the mortar around brickwork may dissuade them from making their nests within the fabric of the building. Most people can recognize the heavy body and hum of a bumble bee. They will make their nest in holes in the ground, bird boxes and holes in trees. Only the queen bee will survive the winter and will make a new nest in the spring. They are social insects and, like honey bees, they too make honey but their colony size is quite small compared to that of the honey bee. They can sting humans and will become extremely aggressive if their nest is disturbed.
Hornets are larger than wasps, about 19-35mm in length. They live a very similar life cycle to wasps. The queen will survive the winter and make a new nest every year, while her male and infertile female offspring will all die. Hornets are not usually aggressive and should not be destroyed unless absolutely necessary. Our Environmental Services can help you with any wasp, bee or hornet problem that you may have. Contact Us for further information and free advice.
No one likes to deal with being bitten by mosquitoes. When mosquitoes dine on a human host, the irritating, itchy impact on the skin can prove to be extremely annoying. Then again, the problem such a pest delivers can be more than merely annoying. It is possible for mosquitoes to cause the spread of serious diseases under certain circumstances. This is why mosquito control is so important. No, it is not likely that any malaria breakouts will occur in the continental United States. However, it would be helpful to point out that malaria DID exist in the nation’s past. Thanks to effective mosquito control, such diseases have been curtailed. Granted, no one has curtailed the presence of the common pest known as the mosquito. Considering there are hundreds of millions of them, it is doubtful they will go anywhere any time soon! In all seriousness, it is never a wise idea to suffer through the problems associated with mosquito infestations. This is why it is best to look towards hiring a professional service that understands the basics of mosquito control. This way, the problem can be easily corrected and fixed within a relatively short period of time.
In lieu of hiring professional exterminators with the skills needed to eliminate the infestation, there are steps that can be taken to reverse the problem on your own. The easiest way to deal with the situation would be to spray pest repellants designed to effectively deal with mosquitoes. Frequently, these repellants can have a very dramatic effect that will keep mosquitoes away. There is also the option of adding mosquito traps to the mix. How do these traps work? These traps are powered by propane and will literally mimic human breath. This will draw in all the mosquitoes to the trap where they will not be able to find their way out of their predicament. For some, mosquito netting could be a decent and less expensive alternative to pest traps. Netting simply creates a buffer that prevents the mosquito from entering the area the netting seeks to protect. While not the most perfect solution to the problem, it can provide basic protection that keeps a bad situation from occurring.
Preventive maintenance needs to be employed as well since this could certainly reverse the underlying causes of pest infestations. Mosquito larvae will be present in water, and when they hatch, a major infestation will occur. As such, it becomes necessary to drain ponds, gutters, and other such environments that could create potential mosquito control problems. It also would be a wise move to hire professionals to handle the situation when it reaches the point when common solutions will not work. Why continue with a method that is not delivering results? Look towards hiring the pros as they will deliver on expectations. Living in mosquito control is not as tough to engage in as what might initially be thought. However, it can be done with the right approach and an understanding of what methods to employ and when. With such a proper approach, the issue of mosquito control will not be difficult to get a handle on.
German roaches are indoor roaches that are brought into your home via used furniture, used appliances, cardboard boxes, or paper bags or by visiting someone who has them and entering purses, book bags, etc. German Roaches reproduce as much as 300 times faster than most other roaches, which is why there are normally more babies than adults. One pregnant female entering your home can cause a potential infestation of 35,000 roaches within one year. SANITATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. ALWAYS LEAVING OUT FOOD ONLY SPURS A MASSIVE GROWTH IN THEIR POPULATION. Water, food and heat are needed for them to survive. This is why the kitchen is normally where they will be the most. If left untreated, then they will spread throughout the house to the bathroom, utility room, A/C units, and even in your bedroom.
Gel baits and IGRs (insect growth Regulators, birth control) are the fastest most effective means to eliminate them. I do not recommend foggers because, generally, this just makes the ones that survive move to another location, especially duplexes and apartment complexes. Bait stations are excellent for long-term control.
Tips for treatments using gel baits and an IGR – When using baits you must eliminate other food and water sources to get maximum results.
Step 1 Sanitation
Sanitation-pull out and clean under and behind all appliances. Also clean microwaves, toasters, drawers, cabinets, etc. Your goal is to eliminate all other food sources. Vacuum cracks and crevices. DO NOT use strong cleaning solutions like bleach or pine sol at this time. This may repel the roaches from the bait. Dry or wipe up all water sources, like droplets of water in the sink, so they will be even more attracted to the bait. Daily sanitation is also vital. Taking out the trash and not leaving out dirty dishes, pizza boxes, etc. Also, pick up pet food and water bowls and close off sink drains every night since they are more active at night. IMPORTANT: CLEAN UP RESIDUALS FROM ANY PREVIOUSLY USED INSECTICIDES THAT KILL THEM BY CONTACT. These sprays prevent them from returning home with the bait.
Step 2 Insect Growth Regulator
This speeds up the process and is very low in toxicity. RRs are a growth inhibitor. The young will never grow up and the adults will no longer be able to reproduce. They come in three forms of application, aerosols, concentrates, and point source devices. Gentrol makes the best IGRs for roaches.
Step 3 Baiting with gel bait from a syringe
The amount of bait used depends on the level of infestation. The more roaches you have, the more you will need to feed them, seeing how the bait is their food source and they have to eat. Since the bait is water-based, it is more attractive to the roaches. Fresh bait should be put out on a daily basis to ensure the quickest results, especially the first 4-7 days. In some cases, you will see results the next day, and in worse cases, you will see them in about 3-4 days. In most cases, the roaches will be reduced by approximately 75% by this time. 100% in less than one week or two weeks depending on how many there are and how well you keep other food sources away from them.
Pests can ruin not just your home but your health and happiness. There are many kinds of pests, and you can be affected at any time of year. That’s why our Pest Control company offers a Home Protection Plan so your home can be protected at all times regardless of the season or the pest. With our regular inspections and treatments pests will be stopped before they invade your home!
How It Works: We visit and inspect your home four times a year, once each season, to apply the appropriate treatment to safeguard your home and property against pests. We’ll also come between scheduled visits for free on-demand service as needed to treat any pest problems, should they arise.
What you can expect from each visit
Spring – In the Spring (March-May), we will treat around the perimeter of your home. We place a protective granular barrier around the exterior of your home to keep crawling insects such as ants, beetles, and others from invading your home. We also treat unfinished basements, garages, crawl spaces, and trash areas of your home to discourage insect breeding and further eliminate possible infestation. We treat crawl spaces and walk-in attics in your home as your first interior line of defense.
At the Summer exterior visit (June – August), we administer another perimeter application around the exterior of your home for continuous protection against summer pests, including spiders, millipedes, ants, beetles, and yellow jackets or wasps. This includes perimeter spraying around doors and windows, as well as, the placement of granular baits in mulch bed areas. We inspect the exterior of your house for bees and wasps nests. If nests are found, they are treated.
At the Fall exterior visit (September – November), we administer another perimeter application, creating a barrier to your home against insects looking to invade and nest for the winter, such as ants, spiders, ticks, and silverfish. Our technicians will also look for any possible entry points for rodents so they can be taken care of before rodents get inside your home for the winter.
During the Winter (December – February) we will carefully inspect (interior inspection) and treat cracks and crevices in the kitchen and bathroom areas of your home to protect against common household pests. We also inspect for rodent and animal infestations and treat to prevent them from entering your home. Your basement and garage areas are also inspected for termites. At the end of the interior inspection and treatment, we will provide you with a written inspection report during the fall and winter that will aid in managing your home for pest protection all year long.
The All Inclusive Home Protection Plan provides timely preventative indoor and outdoor applications as well as free emergency service when required. If additional treatment service is necessary during the plan period, we will provide this service at no additional charge for the covered pests. The Home Protection Plan is a four-season treatment plan designed to keep your home a fortress against most general crawling and flying insects as well as rodents.
Insect Control Services
Insects are extremely successful. They colonize nearly all of the world. In the United States, the number of identified species is approximately 91,000. Their larvae may appear harmless, but they can damage foodstuffs and fabrics; they can also sting people if handled or disturbed.
Insects can be intolerable and a nuisance in large numbers and, more often than not, need to be eliminated quickly. If you have problems with bedbugs, mites, fleas, cockroaches, wasps, ants, or textile pests and stored product insects, our Pest Control company will help you keep them under control.
Many insects are beneficial, but some are fiercely competitive with humans. Insects are not only numerous but also amongst the most adaptable of all animals. Their adaptability, combined with their tremendous rate of reproduction, gives insects an unqualified potential for survival. Insects form the largest and most successful group of animals in the world. Many of the insects now found in our country carry disease, feed on human food, clothing, or housing, and cause stress to humans and animals with painful bites and stings. Insects find their way into buildings via a number of ways: open doors and windows, drainage systems, pets, or by being carried in, hidden amongst goods or supplies. All buildings provide shelter, warmth and food. This enables them to become rapidly established regardless of the type of premises.
Our Pest Control company specializes in the eradication and prevention of insect pests. The pesticides we use are constantly tested against specific insect types and environments, which at this time are ever changing. Our methods and products, in conjunction with detailed reports highlighting hygiene, proofing, and storage recommendations, ensure rapid control of any insect infestation. Upon control being gained our continuous service visits then ensure constant protection and peace of mind to all of our commercial clients.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs (Cimex Lectularius) are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals and are becoming prolific in the US. These insects are very difficult to eradicate and rarely can be controlled with DIY products. Bed bugs and their relatives have evolved as nest parasites. This tiny six-legged insect hides throughout your home during the day and then feasts on your blood at night while you are sleeping. The common bedbug is a reddish-brown insect that doesn’t grow much more than half a centimeter in length. Bed bugs inject an anticoagulant to keep your blood flowing as they suck, along with an anesthetic agent to keep you from your feeling them when they’re at work. Bed bugs infest residences, and they readily hide in small crevices. Used furniture, particularly bed frames, and mattresses, are at the greatest risk of harboring bed bugs and their eggs. Other objects such as luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows and boxes are also at risk if moved between the home and other premises. The use of professional spray treatments is deemed to be the most effective method of eradication of the bed-bug. This will be used in all the infested areas and then the room will need to be vacated for at least 1-1/2 to 2 hours to ensure that the insecticide can work into the required areas. All infested items, such as bedding and clothing, will then be required to be washed at 60 degrees or dry cleaned before being put away.
Moths do not cause any health risks but are a pest in homes and businesses because of the severe damage their larvae cause to clothes, fabrics, furs, leather and carpets. This damage may continue for many weeks after moth larvae have hatched. Serious harm may have been done before the numbers of flying moths are seen and so prevention of a moth problem is important.
Wasps, Bees and Hornets
Wasps are generally regarded as nuisance pests or a threat to health. They are scavengers and can worsen the damage caused by other pests. They collect wood to build nests and so may damage the wooden material of buildings, fences and even garden furniture. Wasps are a particular nuisance at the end of the summer when workers indulge their passion for sweet materials, which can lead to contamination of foodstuffs. As well as damaging the home the wasp causes and if the victim suffers an allergic reaction, the consequences can be severe.
Cat and Dog
Cat and Dog Fleas are very similar in appearance and live exclusively as parasites of warm-blooded animals, especially mammals. While they show a certain degree of host preference, fleas are by no means specific and will feed on other animals in the absence of the normal host. In fact, they tend to be more nest than host-specific, for while the adults may feed on the blood of a variety of animals, the larvae require more precise conditions that are associated with the habitats of the hosts rather than the characteristics of their blood.
Flea bites
Flea bites are identified as a tiny dark red spot surrounded by a reddened area. The bite persists for one or two days and is intensely irritating. First bites are not generally liable to cause serious infections, but they may lead to hypersensitivity. Look Out For:
Bite marks on the body, particularly around the ankles and lower leg
Flea dirt – black specks on your pet or in your pet’s bed
Pet agitation or scratching
Flies and Mosquitoes
As well as being a nuisance buzzing around the home, especially in large numbers, flies and Mosquitoes can also cause a health risk, transmitting diseases including salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera, and parasitic worms. In this country, mosquitoes are less likely to spread disease than in the tropics, but the irritation caused by the bites can still be distressing, particularly for children.
Cockroaches carry a range of serious illnesses, including salmonella, dysentery, gastroenteritis, and typhoid. Cockroach droppings can also cause eczema and asthma. The risk is particularly high in homes with children, the elderly or those fighting illnesses. Beyond the health risks, not only are they disturbing by sight, but cockroaches produce an obnoxious odor that taints food and objects they come into contact with. Cockroaches can breed rapidly and are highly resilient. A quick response is essential to ensure a cockroach infestation does not become established or spread to neighboring properties.
An ant, albeit an insignificant creature, is capable of tumbling even the largest animal. This is attested to by the effect that red Brazilian fire ants have when they invade the surrounding population. They devour everything in their wake and no creature is left standing. Their first point of attack is usually to get into your eyes and ears, incapacitating you. When your ability to see and hear is taken away, then you are a sitting duck and death is imminent. While the garden variety ant is relatively less harmful, it can spell a wave of devastation when left unattended. That is why you should ensure that you make a point of getting rid of the ants as soon as you notice their presence in your compound. The twist to this is that you should also get rid of the ants that are underground. Hence, you should get an expert to do it. That is why you should think deeply about hiring a competent ant exterminator to deal with your problem. One such company is our Exterminator Company. We have all the right people that will take care of your problem effectively. When dealing with a full-scale ant invasion, you cannot do it on your own, no matter how resilient you are. You will need a helping hand to do so. Think of us as that helping hand that will help you take care of the invasion problem that you have. When you employ us, we will remain faithful and ensure that no stone is left unturned in the quest to rid your compound of the ants. To this end, we will use all the necessary equipment to get rid of the ant infestation. You can trust us to use the recommended pesticides that will completely rid you of your infestation, giving you a clean bill of health. At our company, you have access to the most experienced people in the pest disposal arena. When you ask around about most of the ant exterminator companies, you will often hear our satisfied customers. Every household that we have visited has commented about our diligence and attention to detail. These two qualities make us stand out from the many companies that are out there. We will tailor our approach to your compound based on the prevailing circumstances that you are experiencing. We know that no two situations are the same and we respond to each situation as it comes. When you are looking for reliable extermination companies, you should always bear in mind the kinds of services that are being offered. When you visit our company, one service that you will be granted is preventive services. Just like the doctor usually provides inoculations in order to stave off infections, we offer preventive services that are guaranteed to keep your home open for many years to come. Basically, if you want a consultation on how to go about getting rid of ants, visit our offices, and we will attend to you accordingly.
Our Exterminator Services & Ant Control protect your family’s health. A proposed solution within 24 hours!
Do you have a Bed bug infestation? You are not the only one and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Bed bug infestations have increased dramatically in the past years. If they have affected any of your neighborhoods, this may be the cause of your home infestation. This is normally caused by international travel and the use of exterminating methods that do not work on the bed bugs. Today, bed bugs are so widespread in the United States that it’s not uncommon to find them in the office place and on public transportation. If you found bed bugs, know that you’re one of thousands who have. Our Pest control company provides professional bed bug extermination, inspection and preventive services throughout. In the past years since our establishment, we have successfully eliminated bed bugs and other pests from thousands of homes, motels, hotels, restaurants, offices, and more. The common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) is a pest feeding on blood, causing itchy bites and generally irritating human hosts. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) all consider bed bugs a public health pest. However, unlike most public health pests, bed bugs are not known to transmit or spread disease. They can, however, cause other public health problems, so it’s important to pay close attention to preventing and controlling bed bugs.
Experts believe the recent increase in bed bugs in the United States may be due to more travel, lack of knowledge about preventing infestations, increased resistance of bed bugs to pesticides, and ineffective pest control practices. The good news is that there are ways to control bed bugs. Getting good, solid information is the first step in both prevention and control. While there is no chemical quick fix, there are effective strategies to control bed bugs involving both non-chemical and chemical methods. Our experienced professionals have a good understanding of all these aspects and can efficiently work on your problems. We believe in the saying “prevention is better than cure.”
Bed bugs are able to survive many months without feeding on your blood; bed bugs may already be present in apparently vacant and clean apartments. Bed bugs can wander between adjoining apartments through voids in walls and holes through which wires and pipes pass. Because bed bugs readily hide in small crevices, they may accompany (as stowaways) luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows, boxes, and other such objects when these are moved between apartments, homes and hotels. Used furniture, particularly bed frames and mattresses, is at the greatest risk of transporting bed bugs and their eggs. Thus, one should carefully check and consider the history of any used furniture while buying, particularly street items so plentiful at the beginning and end of each academic year. Bed bug infestations are commonly difficult to exterminate, and we have good people behind our desks who are extremely cautious and able to do what we do. We will be able to help you with any pest-related problems in your home.
Rat Control
Our company makes sure that you never have to encounter rats and mice. We have set a very high standard as far as mice control is concerned. This means that when you walk into a house that we have treated, you are assured of two things – the existing rodents have been smoked out, and those rodents will never return.
Bed Bug Exterminator
However, unlike most public health pests, bed bugs are not known to transmit or spread disease. They can, however, cause other public health problems, so it is important to pay close attention to preventing and controlling bed bugs. Experts believe the recent increase in bed bugs in the United States may be due to more travel, lack of knowledge about preventing infestations, increased resistance of bed bugs to pesticides, and ineffective pest control practices.
Flea Exterminator
We have a rule of ensuring that as soon as you notice an infestation and report it to us, we will get right on it. Also, we ensure that all citizenry pest issues that come to us are sorted out as expeditiously as possible.
Spiders Pest Control
Just give us a call and you will get your place free from spider pets. To effectively solve your problem, it is necessary to carry out pest control treatment on your premises and ensure a safe and healthy life.
Cockroach Exterminator
You should try and avoid a scenario in which you will later on have to fight it. This means that you have to cut the problem from the roots entirely in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Now when you are dealing with an already existing cockroach infestation, it is very important that you think of ways of getting rid of the problem very quickly.
Ant Exterminator
When dealing with a full-scale ant invasion, you cannot do it on your own, no matter how resilient you are. You will need a helping hand to do so. Think of us as that helping hand that will help you take care of the invasion problem that you have. When you employ us, we will remain faithful and ensure that no stone is left unturned in the quest to rid your compound of the ants.
Bed bugs are called bed bugs because they like the environment of the bed; the warmth, the smell, and the coziness associated with bedding are their favorite. They can travel with you to other places as a part of your luggage or reside in places near bedding if they get their beloved environment. Bed bugs will even bite during the day, and most of the time, their bites go unnoticed until you start itching or see the welts appearing.
Moth Pest Control
You can trust us to be very professional in the way we carry ourselves. When you are busy you might not end up realizing that you have a moth problem until it is too late. That is why when you have a problem and ask your friends to refer you to someone who can help, they will ask you to enlist our services.
Flea Exterminator
It just takes two creatures to get comfortable in a corner, and bam! You have a full-scale invasion on your hands. You might have thought that you were well-equipped to handle the problem. However, the shocking truth comes out when you find out that you cannot. Sometimes, invasions can get bad, and you might be forced to leave your home. When most companies tend to leave gaps when they offer preventive services, we don’t.
Bed Bug Exterminator
Because bed bugs readily hide in small crevices, they may accompany (as stowaways) luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows, boxes, and other such objects when these are moved between apartments, homes and hotels. Used furniture, particularly bed frames and mattresses, is at the greatest risk of transporting bed bugs and their eggs. Thus, one should carefully check and consider the history of any used furniture while buying, particularly street items so plentiful at the beginning and end of each academic year.
Pest Control
It’s fleas, obviously. You rise up from the sofa and your dog stops still. It knows you are going to take it for a bath so it shoots off. Your dog does not like to shower. Frankly, most dogs do not like bathing so it is nothing to feel embarrassed about. Let us look at the root cause, pests! Our pest control company has the right kind of facilities to control infestations of pests in your homes and in your pets.
Spider Pest Control
Are you in trouble due to spiders around your home or office or at any other place? If yes, then you are at the right place, which will make you feel relaxed and tension-free. Our pest control technicians are always ready to help and solve your problem of spiders at your home, office or any other place with our expert technicians. We provide prevention against pest infections.
Termites Control
The very fact that everyone is going through difficult financial times makes a lot of people skittish about enlisting the services of professionals. You will find that people often like to take matters into their own hands and decide to do it themselves. The danger of doing it yourself is that you might not really arrest the problem. When dealing with this pest, it is very important that you have the required skill set and the know-how to locate and eliminate the pests.
Rat Control
When it comes to rodent control, our pest control company has one core philosophy: that we always make sure that the customer is always satisfied and that they get their money’s worth.
Cockroach Exterminator
We provide our services and you can verify our reputation as the company of choice. You can visit our offices in case you have any queries. There you will find our staff that will help you with whatever you need. You can count on us to be there for you just as any good Cockroach exterminator Company will be when you need them.
Nowadays bug and pest problems have increased in all of our areas and buildings. These reach a peak during the winter season when pests like mice set out in search of places to make themselves home. Our pest control includes the regulation or prevention of any organisms that are classed as a pest and detrimental to a person’s health, ecology, or economy. Our services also include pest control in agriculture where pests are found often. Our services are sure to increase the production and health of your plants. We identify your pest trouble by coming on-site and will always try to use conventional methods to prevent any such pest uprisings in the near future and also eliminate any pests present there at the time.
Many pests have only become a problem because of the direct actions of humans. We help you control these actions and can often substantially reduce the pest problem. We offer services in which we completely eliminate the target population of pests, which, if not done so, may result in the surviving population being resistant to such chemicals and may become a real threat in the future. It is difficult for you and make sure that dont happen. We are one of the very few companies who not only exterminate the current pest infestations but also help remove the chances of a future infestation by discovering all possible causes, which include the elimination of breeding grounds. Some pests live in your home without you knowing it for a long time. Such colonies may have a large number of pests present and professional support is a must. We can do the works for you.
Prevention is the key to avoiding infestations, and we consult our clients on the best prevention methods for the conditions. Our pest control company offers elimination services for growing populations of bugs and pests such as termites, roaches, moths, mice, rats, bird mites, fleas, bed bugs, and many more. Some pests like termites offer non-stop trouble, they eat 24/7 and destroy properties worth lots of dollars every day. We eliminate them and help you out with some repairs that can help you out of any termite infestation. Our service teams are operated by highly qualified exterminators, and they can assist you with your problems with their unique ideas and are always happy to help you out. All our squad members have compassion in what they do and are trained as well as they can be. We have technically eliminated any pest infestations in various areas since our establishment. We can point out a lot of pest problems that are causing physical and economic difficulties that arise due to pests. We provide you guidelines to help you out of it. Pest control has been our work always and we have become quite experienced at it. We are very good at what we do and are always able to complete the work assigned to us promptly and without any hassle in a budget-efficient way.
Animal control is called in because your neighbor’s dog bit your little kid. The dog had been driven crazy because of beg bugs that have been sucking his blood off and on. He did not mean to bite the little girl. The real issue is the bed bug that provoked him. Animal Control is going to send it off to the pound, where dogs that are crazy will be put to sleep.
Rat Control
Our company basically offers top-of-the-line rat exterminator pest control. If you are looking for fast and effective rat infestation control, then we are it. We bring a wealth of experience to the table, and you’ll never have to worry ever again about unwelcome visitors. With our company, you have access to people who know what they are doing and how to do it safely.
Ant Exterminator
Basically, if you want a consultation on how to go about getting rid of ants, visit our offices, and we will attend to you accordingly.
Flea Exterminator
We have all experienced it at one time or another – the flea bite. For most people, it is often accompanied by a lot of discomfort. Some people develop rashes and others just scratch away. To top it all, fleas are carriers of many viruses. That is why you should ensure that you take care of a problem as soon as you discover there is one.
Spider Pest Control
Generally, spiders are considered to be good to have in your home or office area, as they are helpful in minimizing the population of harmful insects. The actual problem arises when they cause diseases in humans and affect them negatively. The spiders mere sight can be a real scare sometimes. Apart from that, many spiders are poisonous, and so they cause harm to humans if they bite them and a person has to suffer from severe pain.
Bed Bug Exterminator
Do you have a bed bug infestation? You are not the only one and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Bed bug infestations have increased dramatically in the past years. If they are affected in any of your neighborhoods this may be the cause that made your home infested. This is normally caused by international travel and the use of exterminating methods that do not work on the bed bugs.
Cockroach Exterminator
We provide our services and you can verify our reputation as the company of choice. You can visit our offices in case you have any queries. There you will find our staff that will help you with whatever you need. You can count on us to be there for you just as any good cockroach exterminator company will be when you need them.
Moth Pest Control A
If you are looking for more information, you should make a point of visiting our offices. Termites are very destructive. When given the chance to thrive, they will ensure that no piece of wood is left standing. If you are using untreated timber for your home, then you are exposed to a lot of risk. The leading cause of home repairs when it comes to wooden structures is termite damage. That is why you should carefully consider the steps that you should take in order to ensure that you don’t end up paying a lot of money for the repairs.
We have all experienced it at one time or another – the flea bite. For most people, it is often accompanied by a lot of discomfort. Some people develop rashes and others just scratch away. And to top it all, fleas are carriers of very many viruses. That is why you should ensure that you arrest a problem as soon as you discover there is one. When it comes to pest control for fleas, you can trust our company to come through for you.
The following is a brief look at what our company can do for you. When it comes to exterminating fleas, it is very important that you have a qualified person do it. The employees that we have on our payroll have many years of experience, and you can trust that we are up to the task of getting rid of the fleas from your home. In our selection process, you can be assured that we will assign people who are well-equipped to handle any extent of infestation. It is vital that you arrest the problem from the roots and that our people know how to handle the massive infestations that occur. Our people will get to the heart of the problem and control the situation before it gets out of hand. Our company also offers preventive services to our clients. It is our policy to ensure that we prevent future invasions by using top-of-the-line equipment. When we spray, we just don’t spray to kill; we spray to keep away potential threats. It just takes two creatures to get comfortable in a corner, and bam! You have a full-scale invasion on your hands. You may have thought that you were well-equipped to handle the problem. However, the shocking truth comes out when you find out that you cannot. Sometimes, invasions can get bad, and you might be forced to leave your home. When most companies tend to leave gaps when they offer preventive services, we don’t. As a stern pest control fleas measure, we make sure that we cover every square inch of wood and every corner until there is no such breach. Also, our treatments last for very many years, and you will never have to get the house treated again. You might find it very hard to notice a pest infestation before it is too late. Considering that there is a large influx of strays and that when you are not around, your pet is mingling with them, you will find that a flea infestation is building under your nose later. That is why we have a rule of ensuring that as soon as you notice an infestation and report it to us, we will get right on it. Also, we ensure that all pest issues that come to us are sorted out as expeditiously as possible.
What happens when moth infestation goes out of control? You can be assured that the results are not that much to look at. You have heard of stories of moths devouring crop fields entirely and ruining clothes that you have stored. Now considering that, it is very important that you take moth infestations seriously. The following is a brief look at what you need to know about the best moth exterminator. Moth infestations require a very vigilant eye. That is why when you trust them to the experts they will always get rid of. Moths are very prolific, and they spread in an area like wildfire. Our professionals understand this and will endeavor to make sure that the problem is brought under control as quickly as possible. We have the best moth exterminator company and you can trust that they know what needs to be done. Our team of seasoned pros will identify the problem, craft a winning solution and overall bring the infestation under control as quickly as possible. Our selection process is geared toward providing you with the best possible expert in the field who will work on the problem just in time. If you are looking for results, you can trust us to deliver them as quickly as possible and this is attested to by the very many positive reviews that our company has had as a result of dealing with so many people in the extermination arena. When you are looking for someone to take care of your moth infestation, you will want to hire someone who takes care of the problem before it manifests itself. In other words, you will be looking for someone who will make sure that nothing happens to your house when two pests are in the vicinity.
We offer prevention services against all pests. We recognize that when pests run wild and free, you have a problem on your hands that, if let out of control, can get very difficult to fix. That is why if you can stave off a crack in a wall, you can prevent a collapse in the wall. Our services are guaranteed to make sure that you never have to deal with such a problem. Hence, this makes us the preferred pest control company of choice. As a moth exterminator, our company has set a record for the most positive reviews. This is attributed to the mutual trust that we have between our clients and ourselves. You can trust us to be very professional in the way we carry ourselves. When you are busy you might not end up realizing that you have a moth problem until it is too late. That is why when you have a problem and ask your friends to refer you to someone who can help, they will ask you to enlist our services. If you are you looking for more information, you should make a point of visiting our offices.
It has been five minutes since you have been sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching your lovable dog scratching his body here and there. Sometimes, the poor animal is so desperate that he would insert yelps during the break that he takes during the scratching and itching activity. You do not need to research in order to know what is wrong with your little dog. It’s fleas, obviously. You rise up from the sofa and your dog stops still. It knows you are going to take it for a bath so it shoots off. Your dog does not like to bathe. Frankly, most dogs do not like bathing so it is nothing to feel embarrassed about. Let us look at the root cause, pests! Our Pest Control company has the right kind of facilities to control infestations of pests in your home and on your pets.
Animal control is called in because your neighbor’s dog bit your little kid. The dog had been driven crazy because of beg bugs that have been sucking his blood off and on. He did not mean to bite the little girl. The real issue is the bed bugs that provoked him. The Animal Control Center is going to send it off to the pound, where dogs that are crazy will be put to sleep. However, this dog might transfer the bugs to other dogs being put to sleep and the bugs would enjoy many nights of treat until other dogs would be adapted and cleaned before being kept in the house.
There should not have been any bed bugs in your home. They are known parasites of humans but they even suck animal blood. Another common misconception about bed bugs is that they are only found in beds and will only bite during the night time. This is not true. Bed bugs are called bed bugs because they like the environment of the bed; the warmth, the smell, and the coziness associated with bedding are their favorite. They can travel with you to other places as a part of your luggage or reside in places near bedding if they get their beloved environment over there. Bed bugs will even bite during the day, and most of the time, their bites go unnoticed until you start itching or see the welts appearing. Though they bite during night hours they are not nocturnal. They probably choose the night time because that is the usual time you tuck yourselves under the sheets. Now who can provide you with this kind of information on pests without doing their research? Our workers are rightly trained through research to provide you with guidance and help.
Our services cover pest Control such as fleas, ants, roaches, bedbugs, spiders, termites, crickets, and other tiny home invaders. There are many myths related to pest control. Some people consider cockroaches to dwell only in damp and dark places. It should be known that there are some fifty types of cockroaches, out of which some five types of roaches infest the domestic and business environment in the United States. Out of these, not all like damp and dark places. The German cockroach for instance, likes lights so much that it shall reside inside electronic appliances like televisions and lighted fixtures and fittings. We deal with Pest Control such as mice, rats, bed bugs and all other pests. We’ll get your pest problem under control, and then we’ll work with you to keep those pests away.
The very thought of a rat infestation has a very profound effect on us. There is often an air of disgust and a hint of fright when we encounter a rat. The very thought of the diseases those little paws carry is enough to send a chill down your spine. However, thinking about it and actually experiencing it are two completely different things. Our rodent control team is here to help you. If you talk to people who have encountered rats on their premises, they will tell you that it is no picnic. Some will tell you that there is always the fear of a health scare always hanging in the air. Hence it is very important that you look at ways of getting rid of rats when they rear their ugly heads. But, when you are contemplating rat control, it is very important that you put our company at the top of your list. Some of the things that might propagate your list might be setting up traps and using the old-school method of chasing the rat around with a club. However, the latter offers you little chance of getting rid of them if you are facing a massive colony. Exterminators offer you a greater opportunity of getting rid of them.
You should have our company at the top of your list. Ours is a company where you will find all your pest control needs to be met. Our company basically offers top-of-the-line rat exterminator pest control services. If you are looking for fast and effective rat infestation, then we are it. We bring a wealth of experience to the table, and you’ll never have to worry ever again about intrusions by unwelcomed visitors. With our company, you have access to people who know what they are doing and how to do it safely. If you opt to go through the old way mentioned in the previous paragraph then chances are that you might get scratched or bitten. If you do it yourself and opt to use chemicals, you are exposing yourself to a significant amount of risk health-wise. If you make a mistake in mixing the concoction, this spells a lot of damage to you and your home. Our company also makes sure that you never have to encounter rats and mice. We have set a very high standard as far as mice control is concerned. This means that when you walk into a house that we have treated, you are assured of two things- the existing rodents have been smoked out, and those rodents will never return. When it comes to rodent control, we have one core philosophy: we always make sure that the customer is always satisfied and that they get their money’s worth. We not only trade in exterminations we also deal with peace of mind.
Are you in trouble due to spiders around your home or office or at any other place? If yes, then you are at the right place, which will make you feel relaxed and tension-free. Our exterminator technicians are always ready to help and solve your problem of spiders at your home, office or any other place with our expert technicians. We provide prevention against pest infections. Our program is to arrange the highest level of pest management; we deal with pests such as bedbugs, cockroaches, mice, rats, ants, squirrels, rodents, bees, wasps, ticks, fleas, water bugs, etc. We have specialized workers who are experts in pest management function.
Generally, spiders are considered to be good to have in your home or office area, as they are helpful in minimizing the population of harmful insects. The actual problem arises when they cause diseases in humans and affect them negatively. The spiders mere sight can be a real scare sometimes. Apart from that, many spiders are poisonous, and so they cause harm to humans if they bite them and a person has to suffer from severe pain. The effective way to protect your home or office from spiders is to undergo the extermination process. Undergo treatment as soon as possible to ensure minimum damage.
There are several spiders that pose a serious danger threat to humans. The two most dangerous spiders are the Black Widow and Brown Recluse found in the United States. If any of these spiders bite any human, then hospital treatment is required to cure his health. If proper care is not taken, then a person may even die. People die due to the bite of these spiders every year. Apart from that, most spiders bite only when they are threatened or injured; such spiders are unaggressive.
Our Pest Control company treats all kinds of spiders, no matter how dangerous they are. If at any time, anywhere, any corner, you notice spiders at your home or office, then get in touch with us; contact us and our efficient staff will take care of the rest. We will solve your spider problem most effectively and in a safe manner and will also recommend to you how to keep your place away from spiders in the future. Just give us a call and you will get your place free from spiders.
Termites are very destructive. When given the chance to thrive, they will ensure that no piece of wood is left standing. If you are using untreated timber for your home, then you are exposed to a lot of risk. The leading cause of home repairs when it comes to wooden structures is termite damage. That is why you should carefully consider the steps that you should take in order to ensure that you don’t end up paying a lot of money for the repairs. The logical step that you should take is to make sure that you get rid of the problem as soon as you notice that you have one. Hence, you should make sure that you exterminate the pests as soon as they emerge. One of the ways that you could do that is by employing the services of our termite controls company to completely eradicate the pests.
As was indicated in the previous paragraph when termites are given the leeway to roam free, then you should probably make plans to move out. Our company is dedicated to helping you arrest the problem before you are way in over your head. At our company, we offer very affordable termite pest control services. The very fact that everyone is going through difficult financial times makes a lot of people skittish about enlisting the services of professionals. You will find that people often like to take matters into their own hands and decide to do it themselves. The danger of doing it yourself is that you might not really solve the problem.
When dealing with this pest, it is very important that you have the required skill set and the know-how to locate and eliminate the pests. Another danger that most do-it-yourself people are exposed to is that they are exposed to chemicals they have no experience with. The danger that comes with this step is that you are in an especially delicate position when everything goes haywire and you are exposed to pesticide poisoning. We take it upon ourselves to ensure that you never ever have to take such risks ever again. With our team of experts, you are assured that professionalism and quality services are provided. Our exterminators are very well-versed in providing extermination services. They are very polite and easy to work with and this is attested to by the raving reviews that our satisfied customers have given us. As far as termite pest control is concerned, we are A-one. Our exterminators have a lot of experience in the industry so you can trust that we know what we are doing. When you can foresee a disaster, then you save yourself a lot of pain and heartache. That is why you should enlist our preventive services. If you can deter termites from invading your house, you save yourself a lot of money in the long run. You should make a point of visiting our offices for more information about the termite pest control measures that we have.