pest control 12/19/23 II – gtg
The pavement ant is a common household pest. Their name comes from the fact that they usually make their homes in pavement. They are distinguished by two spines on the back, two nodes on the petiole, and grooves on the head and thorax. During early spring, colonies attempt to conquer new areas and often attack nearby enemy colonies. These result in huge sidewalk battles, sometimes leaving thousands of ants dead. Because of their aggressive nature, they often invade and colonize seemingly impenetrable areas. In summer time the ants dig out the sand in between the pavements to vent the nests.
Bats range in size from a wingspread of over 5 ft (150 cm) to a wingspread of less than 2 in. (5 cm). They are found in nearly all parts of the world but are most numerous in the tropics; there are about 39 species in the United States. Most bats are economically valuable because of the large number of insects they consume. The body of the bat is mouselike and usually covered with fine fur. The face varies greatly from one species to another; many species have complex appendages on the snout and projections, or false ears, in front of the true ears; the ears themselves are often very large and elaborately convoluted. These facial structures are part of the sensory apparatus that emits and receives sound vibrations. Some bats are solitary, living in caves, crevices, hollow trees, or attics; other species are communal, with thousands or even millions of bats roosting together in a cave or on branches in a section of forest. In some species of communal bats, the entire colony leaves the roost together in the evening and returns together in the morning; in others, individuals come and go at different times. Bats of northern regions migrate, hibernate, or both in winter.
Having a good night’s sleep could be next to impossible if your bed is infested with bed bugs. Suffering from a bed bug bite can be equal to a nightmare, as it can be very itchy and distressing. While bed bugs are surely a pest to life, it is good to know there is a plethora of solutions to the problems they present. Scientifically known as Cimes lectularius, bed bugs are tiny, wingless insects that can be found anywhere in the world. Bed bugs are mainly nocturnal parasites, which means they are active in finding human hosts for feed during nighttime and stay dormant during the day. They live in mattresses, bedding and other crevices near a source of food.
The honey bee is about 12 mm (1/2 inch) long and usually yellow, with 3 or 5 dark brown abdominal bands. They carry two pairs of wings and lack the constricted abdomen (wasp waist) of the wasp and hornet. Honey bees can sting, but are much less aggressive than wasps and hornets.
Black flies have preferences for a wide range of individual host species. Adult females feed on the blood of humans, cattle, horses, sheep, goats, poultry, other livestock and wild mammals and birds. Each black fly species may prefer one type of host over another. The black fly’s common name sometimes indicates host specificity, for example, the turkey gnat. Black flies are daytime biters who prefer low wind conditions. They are not restricted to shaded or humid sites and usually do not go indoors. They are attracted to hosts from a distance by smell, heat, and by sight. The female flies swarm around and crawl on the host preferring the head, hair, and ears as well as any skin that is exposed or that they can crawl onto. S. slossonae is primarily a bird feeder and probably preys on wild turkeys to some extent. It is the primary vector of the protozoan blood parasite, Leucocytozoon smithi, in Florida. This parasite is restricted only to birds, especially turkeys. S. slossonae will feed on domestic turkeys as well as chickens and other poultry. Several cases of chicken mortality attributed to black fly feeding were reported in Florida during the first three months of 1998.
The house centipede is distributed throughout the United States and Canada. It is found indoors and outdoors under logs and in other damp areas in warmer climates, but only indoors in colder climates. House centipedes are found in houses with damp sub-floor areas in damp basements, and in the vicinity of sinks and drains. The house centipede is considered to be beneficial as it feeds mainly on insects and organic material. They rarely bite, causing pain no more severe than a bee sting. The house centipede is 2.5 to 4.0 cm long with very long antennae and 15 pairs of legs which enable it to run very fast. The last pair of legs are twice as long as the body, giving it a curious form and making it easy to identify. The legs are banded with white. When the larvae hatch from the eggs, they have 4 pairs of legs. Five more larval stages follow with 5, 7, 9, ll and 13 pairs of legs, respectively. This is followed by 4 adolescent stages, each with 15 pairs of legs.
The German cockroach is probably the most economically important pest. It is the most common cockroach you will find in a home or business. The German cockroach can be found in homes, apartments, hotels, motels, restaurants and other places throughout the United States and other countries. There are other cockroaches that might be found more in the southern areas of the country but the German cockroach is by far the most common species infesting homes and other areas. The adults are about 1/2 to 5/8 inches long and have two dark stripes. Both sexes have wings but do not fly. Males can be distinguished from females by the tapering shape of the abdomen. German cockroach babies, called nymphs, look like adults, except they are smaller, have no wings, and are darker in color, sometimes even black. One stripe running down the middle of the back is a prominent marking of the younger German cockroach nymph. The female German cockroach carries the egg capsule protruding from her rear until the eggs are ready to hatch. The German cockroach is the only house-infesting species that carries the egg capsule this long. This is what makes it the most persistent cockroach in the United States because they are less likely to be taken by predators. The adult females can produce 4 to 8 egg capsules in their lifetime. Each capsule contains 30 to 48 eggs. It usually takes 20 to 30 days from the time of initial formation of the first egg capsule until it hatches. There are 6 to 7 nymphal stages, called instars until they molt into the adult stage. The nymphs have habits as adults. They are mostly active at night and hide in cracks and crevices during the day. Seeing German cockroaches during the day is usually an indication of overpopulation. When all cracks and crevices are full, or food is in short supply, and they are stressed. German cockroaches usually hide in areas where there is ample food and moisture, such as kitchens and other food areas, but they can be found in other areas if they are stressed and as a result of a repellant insecticide somewhere else in the building or home. German cockroaches are attracted to fermented foods and beverage residues. If water is present, adults can live about a month without food, but young nymphs will die of starvation within 10 days. Without food or water, the adults will die in about 2 weeks. In apartment complexes or duplexes sharing the same common plumbing lines, infestations can occur in both apartments or duplexes. Treating these areas is a must with insecticides or dust formulations injected into walls of adjoining apartments.
Earwigs are usually about 12 mm long and need to live in moist and humid conditions. The earwigs dig themselves into the soil in fall and hibernate under the ground. They can cause damage and eat mainly plants, leaves, and flowers. If you are suffering from a large group of these creatures you may well see your garden flowers begin to die. – The shore earwig is often confused with the large St. Helena earwig. Both are fairly large, around 80mm. – This species is 12-15 mm long and lives throughout the United States. It has yellowish legs with rings on them after which the animal has been named. The Ring-Legged Earwig is a danger to produce Irish and sweet potatoes when in storage.
Fleas are blood-sucking insects that feed on warm-blooded animals. They are between 112 – 5 mm in length, oval in shape (when viewed from the side), and very thin/flat, which enables them to move easily through the hairs of their host. Fleas are brown in color and have extremely powerful hind legs adapted for jumping. Female fleas lay eggs on their host or in animal nests/bedding. The eggs pass through normal insect stages of egg, larva and pupa. The adult flea only emerges when stimulated by vibration, such as an animal or human walking by. Adults can stay in their pupal stage for long periods before emerging and both the pupae and the adults can survive 8 to 12 months without a host to feed on. This explains why houses that have been empty for long periods can harbor active fleas long after the host, such as a domestic cat, has left. There are several species of fleas, including human, cat, and dog fleas. Although each species has a preferred host, both cat and dog fleas can be found on other animals including humans. Of all the species, the cat flea is probably the most commonly found in domestic situations – practically all cats will pick up fleas at some time, so it is wise to take precautions, such as fitting with a flea collar.
Canada Geese are large birds, 20 to 50 inches long, with a wingspan of 50 to 68 inches. Canada Geese are most easily identified by their long black neck, with a black head, crown and bill. They have a contrasting white cheek and throat area. Their undertail coverts are white. Their back, upper wings, and flank are dark brown with a lighter brown (sometimes nearly white) breast and belly. They have a short black tail and black legs with black webbed feet. Canada Geese cover a wide range across North America. Canada Geese in different areas may be different sizes, have different vocalizations or have somewhat different coloring than those in other areas. All groups have the characteristic long black neck, head, crown, and bill, and white cheeks. The smallest Canada Geese (called “cackling geese” because of their high-pitched vocalizations) are only 1/4 the size of the largest Canada Geese (called “honkers”).
Pigeon control is important due to the damage and disease problems these birds often create. The uric acid in pigeon feces is highly corrosive and can cause extensive damage to metals and other substrates it sits on for long periods. Debris from flocks of problem pigeons often builds up, backing up gutters and drains, which can cause flooding and roof damage. Nesting materials and other debris have caused failures in machinery, especially rooftop air conditioning units, which are a prime nesting spot for pigeons. Other frequent pigeon problems include slip and fall liability from feces or debris, plus an unclean, dirty company image. The bacteria, fungal agents, and ectoparasites found in pigeon droppings are responsible for a host of serious diseases, including histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, toxoplasmosis, and more. Pigeons also carry ectoparasites, for example, fleas, lice, mites, ticks, and other biting pests. Many companies also retain significant clean-up costs due to the pigeon problems they don’t resolve. The pigeons that are located around airports threaten human safety due to a possible bird-aircraft collision. The U. S. Air Force considers pigeons as a “medium priority hazard” to jet aircrafts.
We also have two species of mice that cause problems in the Pacific Northwest. The House Mouse and the Deer Mouse. – The house mouse looks somewhat like a young roof rat, but smaller. It is approximately 5 1/2 to 7 1/2 inches in total length. Like the roof rat, its tail is as long or longer than the head and body combined. However, mice have proportionately smaller heads and feet than those of a roof rat. The color of the house mouse depends upon its habitat; if it lives indoors, it will usually be dark gray with a light gray stomach; outdoors, it will usually be a sandy brown color. House mice do not pose as serious a problem to the householder as rats, but they can be quite a nuisance. They also eat and contaminate food with their urine and droppings, may gnaw on wiring, creating a fire hazard, and can transmit some diseases. Spread of diseases by mice, however, is not considered a serious health hazard. This wide-spread, native rodent is another medium-sized mouse, averaging 7 inches in total length. The tail is longer than the head and body combined. The upper body is varying shades of brown with white sides and underparts (including chin and throat). The tail is strongly bi-colored. Deer mice have been identified as occasional vectors of Lyme Disease and Hanta Virus and should be controlled around human habitation where these diseases are prevalent.
The size of an opossum’s head and body- 3-20 inches, tail- 4-20 inches. There are more than 65 kinds of opossums in North and South America. But only one kind plays possum, the Virginia, or common, opossum of North America. The phrase “playing possum” comes from this animal’s ability to appear dead when an enemy approaches. The opossum will lie still as if it is dead, with its eyes closed or, when opened, staring and without blinking. Its tongue hangs from the side of its mouth and it will still play dead if moved by the animal or even tossed about.
Raccoon populations are very adaptable and can increase in cities and towns where mature trees, attics, sheds, and storm sewers are used as dens. Characteristic features include short pointed ears, a long pointed snout, and greyish-brown fur covering the body. The raccoon’s most distinguishing features are the black mask around the eyes and the black rings circling the long bushy tail. Adults grow to about 32 inches (81 cm) including the tail, and larger animals may reach weights of more than 30 pounds (13.6 kg). Raccoons are excellent climbers and are very dexterous. They are most active at night, seeking refuge during daylight hours in hollow trees, dense vegetation, rock crevices, old buildings, barns, chimneys, or other cavity spaces. During the winter months, raccoons usually “den up” for the coldest periods; this is not a true hibernation, and they often venture out during warm spells. Raccoons eat a variety of foods including insects, frogs, bird eggs, fruit, and garden vegetables, especially corn. Because of their ability to live in association with humans and their varied food preferences and denning habits, people often consider raccoons to be a nuisance.
The main wild rabbit in North America is the cottontail. It grows from 14 to 18 inches and weighs from 2 to 3 pounds. They are brown with tan sides and white underparts. The jackrabbit is the largest of the American hares. They are more than 2 feet long, and their ears are from 5 to 6 inches long. Jackrabbits weigh 4 to 6 pounds. Rabbits prefer regions where the soil is loose and dry and where there is brushwood for shelter. They may live in brushy woods and gardens of eastern North America, on the western plains and deserts, on mountains, and even in the Arctic snows. European rabbits live alone on about an acre of land. European rabbits live in groups in a burrow. The cottontail rabbit lives in the Western Hemisphere.
There are two primary species of rats present in the Pacific Northwest: The Norway rat and the roof rat. The Norway rat is both larger and heavier than the roof rat. It has a wider distribution and is usually more common, although the roof rat may be abundant in some localities, usually near coastal areas. Norway rats build their nests in burrows under buildings, low shrubs or ground cover, wood piles, yard accumulations of junk, and garbage dumps. The roof rat, on the other hand, is a better climber than the Norway rat and is more likely to build its nest in walls, attics, vines or trees. – is 13-18 1/2 inches in total length, with its tail being shorter than its head and body combined. An adult Norway rat weighs about 3/4 to 1-1/4 pounds. It is mostly brown, with a lighter-colored stomach. The tail is semi-naked and darker above than below, giving it a two-toned effect. – is also 13-18 1/2 inches in total length, with its tail being longer than its head and body combined. An adult roof rat weighs about 3/4 to 2/3 pounds. It is mostly black with some gray below, although there are some variations. The tail is also semi-naked but of one color.
The Gull or Seagull is a medium to large bird, usually gray or white, and often has black markings on its head and wings. It has a long bill and webbed feet. Gulls are ground-nesting birds. They are found in coastal areas and rarely stray far from land. These highly intelligent birds have learned to co-exist successfully with humans. They eat live crabs and small fish and are often times scavengers.
Silverfish are always wingless and are silvery to brown in color because their bodies are covered with fine scales. They are generally soft-bodied. Adults are up to 3/4 inch long, flattened from top to bottom, elongated and oval in shape, and have three long tail projections and two long antennae. Primarily a nuisance pest inside the home or buildings; can contaminate food, damage paper goods and stain clothing; medically harmless. Many of their habits are similar to cockroaches and they appear to be more common as household pests in drier parts of the state. Occasionally damage book bindings, curtains, and wallpaper.
Skunk species vary in size from about 15.6 to 37 inches (40 to 70 cm) and in weight from about 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg) (the spotted skunks) to 18 pounds (8.2 kg) (the hog-nosed skunks). They have a moderately elongated body with reasonably short, well-muscled legs, and long front claws for digging. Although the most common fur color is black and white, some skunks are brown or gray, and a few are cream-colored. All skunks are striped, even from birth. They may have a single thick stripe across the back and tail, two thinner stripes, or a series of white spots and broken stripes (in the case of the spotted skunk). Some also have stripes on their legs.
The squirrel can become a nuisance when it chews through the facia board or roof and gains access into your soffit and attic. If you think you have a squirrel in your attic, think again. You have more than one, usually 4 or 5 or more. Squirrels are very social animals and will stay as a family unit. If you try and resolve the squirrel problem yourself, you may end up enclosing a squirrel or squirrels in your attic which will cause major damage as the enclosed squirrel or squirrels will chew a hole to get out. If one or more of the squirrel family members are outside, they will assist the enclosed squirrel or squirrels in chewing the hole. It is best to leave the squirrel removal and exclusion to a professional in the animal control or wildlife control field. Most of the time the problem can be corrected in a short time with no more damage caused. A wildlife professional will also assist in preventitive measures which will deter future problems with squirrels. A squirrel can climb almost anything. If squirrels are determined to get somewhere, they will. There are devices that wildlife professionals use to help solve this problem and deter a squirrel or squirrels from climbing.
A typical yellowjacket worker is about 12 mm (0.5 inches) long, with alternating bands on the abdomen while the queen is larger, about 19 mm (0.75 inches) long (the different patterns on the abdomen help separate various species). Workers are sometimes confused with honey bees, especially when flying in and out of their nests. Yellowjackets, in contrast to honey bees, are not covered with tan-brown dense hair on their bodies and lack the flattened hairy hind legs used to carry pollen. Yellowjackets have a lance-like stinger with small barbs and typically sting repeatedly, [2] though occasionally the sting becomes lodged and pulls free of the wasp’s body. All species have yellow or white on the face. Mouthparts are well-developed for capturing and chewing insects, with a proboscis for sucking nectar, fruit and other juices. Nests are built in trees, shrubs, or in protected places such as inside human-made structures (attics, hollow walls or flooring, in sheds, under porches and eaves of houses) or in soil cavities, mouse burrows, etc. Nests are made from wood fiber chewed into a paper-like pulp.
Are you looking for signs to see if you need to contact a pest control company? Not all pest problems require the assistance of a paid professional. Sometimes, the appearance of a pest is simply an outdoor critter that has lost its way. Other times basic steps such as maintaining your lawn, sealing cracks around the doors and windows, and keeping a tidy kitchen will eliminate the pest problem and prevent your home from being a future destination. However, a number of insidious pests create potentially unsanitary living conditions and cause serious problems for humans and buildings. Though it may be tempting to pick up a can of insect killer or a trap from the hardware store when you spot one of these pests, pesticides and other chemicals are not only a potential health hazard, but they also may not take care of a deeper problem. Here are some signs that it might be time to call a pest control professional:
1. You see droppings. One of the telltale signs of a mouse or rat infestation is the presence of droppings. Look for evidence of rodent droppings near baseboards, cabinets and garbage cans. Similarly, cockroach droppings, which experts say resemble black pepper or coffee grounds, tend to appear in areas where cockroaches gather to feed.
2. Evidence of termites. Of all the household pests, termites may be the most damaging. These winged, ant-like insects feast on wood year-round, potentially causing significant damage to a home’s beams, walls, and foundation. Evidence of termites include hollow wood, termite wings and carcasses and the telltale mud tunnels they build outside of a house. A termite infestation can be a serious problem and requires the assistance of a professional.
3. Evidence of other wood-boring insects. Though termites are the most notorious wood chompers, there are plenty of other insects that can cause significant damage to your home. As their name implies, carpenter ants gnaw out holes in wood to create nests. Other potentially damaging insects include carpenter bees and powder post beetles.
4. You suspect bedbugs. A familiar children’s rhyme warns sleepers not to let the bedbugs bite. Unfortunately, this is sometimes easier said than done. In recent years, bedbugs have made a massive comeback throughout the United States, living in everything from mattress seams to baseboards. Because they are tiny and only emerge while humans are sleeping, they can be difficult to identify. Evidence of these nighttime creepy crawlies include clusters of itchy, welt-like bites and reddish stains on bedding. If you suspect you have bedbugs, contact a pest professional immediately. Eradicating these insects and their eggs can be extremely difficult
.5. Stinging insects. Nobody likes being stung by a bee. Unfortunately, many types of wasps like to build their nests under eaves and, in some cases, in the walls of houses. Other stinging insects include fire ants, which are common throughout the southern United States. Even more dangerous are scorpions, which are commonly found in homes throughout the American Southwest. Though most scorpions aren’t quite as deadly as people think, their stings aren’t very fun and can cause serious issues for individuals with compromised immune systems.
Bed Bug Control
What do you call bed bugs? Bloodsuckers. Yes, true, these bed bugs are commonly found in hostels, old houses, moist areas, and boarding houses. Often, bed bugs are the cause of worry for itinerant travelers. Now the most important question is how do bed bugs get into our beds? These bugs are lifted or transported in shoes, luggage and other movable articles. Bed bugs bite and you will develop a red dot of blood in your bed or linen. If you have bed bugs, you can often smell a sickly odor. Look for blood stains and deposits of dried blood in old beds, this will ensure the presence of bugs. Bed bugs have 5 nymphal stages before they become adults. They feed for three to five minutes at night. Bed bugs have a tendency to survive for days without their blood meal.
Skin reactions: You can develop adverse skin reactions due to bug bites. Beg bugs release an anti-coagulant into the bloodstream, which prevents blood clotting from the host’s body. This allows the bugs to suck huge qualities of blood. If this anti-coagulant material falls around the biting area, it may cause a lot of irritation. You will not be able to resist scratching which results in pain and scratch marks. In case you develop an infection, consult your dermatologist.
Pest control for bed bugs
In case of a huge infestation of bed bugs in your home or business, look for a good pest controller. A thorough inspection of the area is very essential before steps are taken for control procedures. It is very important to locate their daytime harborage areas. Treat all the potential areas with proper insecticides and pesticides. Often people attempt to do pest control all by themselves. Avoid this as it may hamper your health and safety. Our pest management professionals are experienced and have the right equipment and insecticide formulations. It is always advisable to call pest management professionals. The kind of pesticide or insecticide used for application is also very critical. It is advisable to use synthetic pyrethroid insecticide sprays and dust for treatment purposes. The use of a fogging machine is very important in order to get beneficial results. When the treatment is in process, try to wrap all the bed linens, fabrics and hangings. Wrap up the mattresses before the insecticidal treatment. Seal gaps in furniture and cracks in walls where bugs can hide. Sanitation and hygiene should be properly taken care of. Inspection of the entire area is very important. Inspection of location should be a regular feature. In a commercial area, the building should be regularly checked for bug infestation.
Bed bug Management
Look for the bugs: You will have to investigate or look for bugs around your dwelling. Look into cracks and crevices. Try to figure out the eggs, fecal matter and larvae.
Prepare the areas: Wash your linen and bed sheets with hot water. If your furniture is covered, remove the clothing and soak them in hot water. Vacuum the small places as much as you can. Vacuum up the small holes and cracks in furniture, walls, and floors.
Physical control: Cover the legs of the bed with petroleum jelly or sticky double-sided tape. Remove the bed away from the walls. Check your pets whether they are bitten or attacked by bugs and bites. Cover yourself as much as you can.
Chemical control: Use insect-repellent creams on your skin. Sprays containing natural pyrethrins should be sprayed all over the place. In order to reduce dampness, use boric acid, silica gels and diatomaceous earth.
Bed bugs are the most irritating pests which cause a lot of internal and personal damage. It causes skin irritations and infests the pets. If you still have a problem, get help from our pest control specialist. It is very important to take proper control and measures to get rid of these bugs.
During the summer, ants can be the biggest nuisance around. They like to invade homes and crawl into cabinets, cupboards and pantries to access food. Not only is it annoying to have ants crawling around, but they are dangerous as well. The bacteria ants leave behind can be harmful, and some ants bite humans, leaving stinging, irritated areas of skin. In addition, the ants can invade any area of your home, causing great inconvenience to you and your family. Residents of certain cities may have to worry especially about ants. There have been repeated problems of ant control in some cities. Regardless of the city you live in, contact an exterminator as soon as possible once you see that ants are present in your home. If the exterminators are not immediately available, take measures to control the ants in the meantime.
Ants are minuscule creatures and can crawl into any space, even closed jars and food containers. They especially favor foods like honey, jams, cookies, grains and cereal, sugar, or any sweet and sticky food. To prevent them from getting into your food stores, make sure all food containers are sealed tight enough so that ants cannot get into them. You can buy jars that are sealed with a rubber gasket. Otherwise, keep sealed food containers in the fridge, or put jars and boxes in tightly sealed plastic bags. If any ants did manage to get in your food, dispose of the food immediately. If the ants have invaded, your garbage can dispose of the garbage within the bag, then wash the garbage can with a house and detergent if necessary. Ants follow a scent trail to know where the rest of the colony is accessing food. If you see a trail of ants, eliminate the trail of ants. This can be done by vacuuming the ants, or even by hosing them off. Then, kill the scent trail by covering it with a stronger scent. One option is to spray the area with a mixture of bleach and water. Otherwise, you can use natural ant repellants to keep the ants at bay. Many things serve as ant repellants, including herbs like lavender, sage, and catnip, or spices like salt, pepper, red curry or cinnamon. Boric acid is also known as a common ant-repellant. Natural remedies as such can be a great aid to ant control.
Since ants enter homes through cracks and holes, seal any cracks in your walls with caulk. Add a weather strip to your doors. Cover any holes in your home. The best thing that can be done, however, is to call an ant exterminator. Call our ant exterminators. Calling a professional for ant extermination will get rid of the problem permanently since exterminators can get to the root of the problem and eliminate the ants for good. Prevention is key as well, so make sure to take measures so that ants don’t enter your home again.
Rodents are famous for their damaging capabilities. They damage buildings and food and also transmit many diseases. There are diverse varieties of rodents, which include moles, rats, mice, etc. There are some very important tips that you must keep in mind while dealing with rodents: * Whenever you are purchasing any pesticide, do not forget to read the label directions. Store these harmful pesticides in a cool and dry place. It must be away from the reach of children and your pets.
* There are different species of rodents around us, so it is very important to know the right kind of species you are dealing with. Your local Cooperative Extension Services will be able to help you in this matter. Rodent
* Many people prefer to approach IPM Integrated Pest management. They have proper measures in dealing with sanitation, exclusion and prevention of rodents.
Know some rat facts
Rats are anywhere and everywhere. Until and unless you are a professional it becomes really difficult to control rats. The average length of a rat is 6 to 18 inches, which includes their tail. Roof rats are very different from sewage rats. The basic difference between the varieties of rats depends on their diet. An average rat consumes half to two ounces of liquid per day. These creatures are nocturnal so they hide and eat in darkness. Often, severe damages like electric fires in homes are because of these rodents. They are carriers of parasites and cause many harmful diseases.
Rodent breeding
Home is the best breeding ground for many rodents, especially rats. Their breeding takes place throughout the year. They have 4 to 6 litters per year and each litter has 4 to 6 pups. The urine and fecal matter of rodents can cause serious health issues. The best way to avoid the entry of these harmful rodents is to seal your house as much as possible. All the access points should be properly sealed or repaired.
How to get rid of Rodents
Make your house rodent-proof. You must make sure that you make your indoors rodent-free by adopting some careful measures like:
Cleanup – You must take proper steps in cleaning up. Clean the stored food inside the pantry as well as inside containers. Sweep the floors regularly, especially in difficult places. Do not leave garbage in the open; mice and rats can smell food and attack overnight. There should not be any weeds around your house periphery this invites many rodents.
Use traps for catching hold of rodents at home. You must keep the traps open with bait every day, especially during the night. In case you have many rats or mice use many traps instead of one or two. Some useful bait for catching rodents is pineapple, nuts, peanut butter and cake. Rats will be more attracted to fish or meat.
Poison bait is one of the moist useful baits. This easily captures and kills the rodents. Some good poison baits are Pival, Warfarin, Fumarin etc. Take a lot of precautions while using these baits. Mice have a habit of nibbling, so have patience as it might take longer for these baits to control them.
Rodent proofing
To control rodents, the most important step is to make your house rodent-proof. Close all the potential openings. Every small opening must be inspected properly. Use good materials for proofing, like metal sheets, wire mesh, brick, cement, etc. You must monitor your house properly. Undergo re-infestation which is the most important part of rodent proofing. Repeat this process properly. In case you see any rodents, try to locate the nest around your house.
Some cautious steps:
Eliminate food source
Check caps and opening of all cans and containers
Do not litter food
Your garbage bin should be covered
Whenever you dispose of your garbage, cover it and dispose of it.
If you have pets, be very particular with cleaning. Food should not be laid here and there.
Water elimination – Cover all drains and open pipes and make sure that no pipe is leaking. Check for any stagnant water around your house.
Eliminate hiding areas: Get rid of old boxes, cartons, and junk. Abandon old vehicles and appliances.
Rodents are unwanted guests; it is very important to avoid them before they cause problems.
Carpenter Ants
Size: Up to 5/8-inch long. Color: Varies from black, brown, black, red, and black to light brown, depending on the species. The two most common pest species are black in color.
Behavior: Carpenter ants feed on a wide variety of foods, especially other insects. The favored food of adults is the sweet honeydew produced by plant-feeding insects, such as aphids, scales, and mealybugs. In the spring, mature colonies produce winged reproductive ants, called swarmers, that fly out to start new colonies. These swarms often occur from satellite colonies within homes, so homeowners may see large flying ants in their homes at night.
Carpenter ants are the most common pest ant seen in homes throughout the northern United States. The main colony must have a constant source of moisture to survive, so it is usually located in dead wood outside. This includes dead limbs, tree holes, stumps, landscape timbers, and so forth. Indoors, a main colony will have to be associated with a water leak or an overly wet, poorly ventilated crawl space or attic. The main colony may establish satellite colonies that are the primary source of ant activity inside homes. These satellite colonies may be located in any suitable void (e.g., hollow doors, curtain rods, shower rods), under attic insulation, etc. These ants set up trunk trails between the main colony to satellite colonies and between satellite colonies. Foraging ants can most easily be seen along these trunk trails at night when the ants are most active. Sometimes, the trunk trails occur beneath the ground following tree roots.
Successfully controlling carpenter ants requires certain skills, knowledge and experience. Carpenter ant control involves tracking down and treating as many satellite colonies as possible inside and outside of the home as well as attempting to find and treat the parent colony. Accessing the parent colony may be difficult because it might be located high in a tree or on a neighboring property. In such cases, your service professional may use carpenter ant baits, but these may have varying results because of the carpenter ants’ finicky feeding habits.
Fire Ants
Size: There are many sizes of workers in the colony, ranging from 1/8-inch to almost 3/8-inch in length. Color: Reddish brown. Behavior: Fire ants pose a health risk to anyone venturing into areas where the ants are found. Although the vast majority of stings result only in a raised welt that may develop a white pustule, a person allergic to insect stings could experience a more serious reaction. Additionally, a person seldom receives just one sting. Rather, dozens or even hundreds of stings can be inflicted quickly on a person accidentally kneeling or standing next to or on a fire ant mound.
The red imported fire ant was brought into this country during the 1920s and has spread to cover most of the Gulf Coast states and most of eastern Texas. It is now established north into parts of Tennessee and North Carolina. These ants nest in the soil and construct large mounds that are easily seen in lawns and pastures. A single lawn may contain a dozen or more mounds. This ant will also locate nests within landscape mulch and beneath items on the ground, such as landscape timbers. The mounds of such colonies may be shallow and poorly structured, making them difficult to detect for the less experienced eye. Fire ants may construct mounds next to the foundation and enter homes through weep holes or other exterior cracks and holes. Once inside, workers forage in trails beneath the edge of carpeting. On occasion, the ants will bring soil up into walls or beneath first-floor bathrooms and construct a nest.
Because of the health threat posed by fire ants, it is important to take steps to control the ants around the home and in the yard. Over-the-counter fire ant baits can be effective if properly used, but regular applications are necessary because the ants readily reinvade from neighboring properties.
American Dog Tick – Dermacentor variabilis.
Size: About 1/4-inch in length. Color: Dark reddish-brown. Behavior: Like all ticks, the American dog tick is a bloodsucking ectoparasite. It is often referred to as a wood tick because it is found in wooded areas where mammalian hosts such as deer, raccoons and possums live. It lives near bodies of water where animals drink as well.
Ticks require a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow, and the female must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment necessary to produce the thousands of eggs she lays. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will make it to maturity.
Ticks do not embed their entire head into a host, only the mouthparts. To keep the blood from clotting, the tick will inject an anti-clogging agent. Bites from the American dog tick, along with other closely related species, can sometimes cause a severe reaction. Called tick bite paralysis, it only occurs in a relatively small number of people. These ticks also can transmit diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease.
Important Note: If you develop a reddish rash around the site of a tick bite, suffer arthritis-like pain in one or more joints, or have flu-like symptoms that come and go after recently being bitten by a tick, see your physician. The migrating bulls-eye rash is a key symptom of Lyme Disease and occurs in about 60 percent of people contracting the disease. The rash may not appear as the first symptom. Flu-like symptoms, fatigue, neck and head pain, and other symptoms may occur first or in lieu of the rash. Visit the Center for Disease Control at www. CDC. gov for a full description of this disease.
American dog ticks inhabit most states east of the Rocky Mountains and some parts of a few western states, such as California, Idaho and Washington. They frequent wooded areas and fields and are more common around homes and buildings in secluded or rural areas. Unlike the brown dog tick, this species is rarely found living indoors. If inside, it will generally be discovered on dogs or cats. Ticks are difficult to control, therefore the services of an experienced professional are recommended. Treatments may be necessary in areas of the yard where ticks are found. The best way to avoid tick bites is to stay away from tick-infested areas. However, if it is necessary, follow these tips when working or walking in areas potentially inhabited by ticks: Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Light colors are best so ticks are easier to detect. Secure the bottom of pants inside socks or tie close around the ankles Wear a hat. Tuck long hair under a hat. Use tick repellent applied to clothing, particularly the lower body and the arms. Carefully inspect your body after exiting infested areas. Have another person inspect your backside and back of your head. Wash clothing in warm water and detergent immediately. Never throw potentially infested clothing in a hamper with other clothes or onto the floor.
Protect pets by preventing them from venturing into tick-infested areas or consult your veterinarian for tick treatment products. Remember, your dog can also contract Lyme Disease. Inspect pets carefully for ticks after walking them in wooded areas or fields. To remove a tick embedded in your skin, do not grasp it by the abdomen and pull. You may squeeze its fluids into your skin, which increases the chances of infection. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick by the head next to the skin and slowly pull it backward. Working slowly permits the tick to withdraw its mouthparts so they do not detach and remain in the skin and become infected. Once the tick has been removed, cleanse the area well with soap and water. You may want to disinfect the bite site with alcohol or apply an antibiotic cream.